We may be old and outdated, but we are no longer hard to find. |
Developing software for OS/2 since 1989 |
MonoPlus Monopoly just Extended |
Primary Business Address Norcross, Georgia 30093 |
To contact us: |
Phone: 555-555-5555 Fax: 555-555-5555 E-mail: inquire@os2developer.com For Emergency assistance: 911 |
Version v1.07.2 — monoplus-1.07.02.zip Version v1.07.1 — monoplus-1.07.1.zip Version v1.07 — monoplus-1.07.zip Version v1.06 — monoplus-1.06.zip Version v1.05 — monoplus-1.05.zip Version v1.04 — monoplus-1.04.zip Version v1.02 — monoplus-1-02.zip Version v1.01 — monoplus-1-01.zip Version v1.00 — monoplus.zip
Version 1.07.02 2022-01-15 Added the monopoly board Italy. /version=Italy. The game still plays in English though Version 1.07.01 2022-01-07 Added the monopoly board Paris France, Germany. /version=PARIS, /version=Germany The game still plays in English though Version 1.07 2022-01-02 Fixed a problem with bank auctioning a Railroad. Because it is the only monopoly group with 4 properties, there was an error
that the first player to fold, that the property was sold to the folding player at the fold amount.
Version 1.06 2021-12-24 Fixed a problem with property ownership if a player becomes bankrupt via a Chance or Community Chest card, the bank auctions
the property to the highest bidder. The bank then removed that bid amount from the bidder, assigns the player as bankrupt and
assigns that bankrupt player the owner of the property instead of the winning bidder. That prevents the property from being
used in the game and all further players in the game landing on that property, money is paid to the bankrupt player. This
has been fixed and is now properly assigning the auctioned property to the winning bidder.
Version 1.05 2021-06-05 Inflation comes to Monopoly. In some circumstances properties can be distributed equally to where there can be no clear winner in the game and each player is paid more money than they lose on each go around the board. This can be solved by limiting the number of turns in the game(/turnslimit) or you can turn on inflation(/inflation) which the percentage of inflation keeps on rising when ever the bank balance goes negative and the bank starts printing money. Turn on inflation that keeps making everything more expensive to see how the player with the most assets when inflation kicks in, will benefit the most and win the game. Version 1.04 2020-10-07 Added command line switches to change house rules. These changes are the more popular changes from the internet. The list of current switches can be found by typing Monoplus /? Version 1.02 2020-09-21 Fixed assessed tax on houses and hotels. Assessed taxes were not stored properly and were returning 0. Lottery is fixed as it was also having the same stack verses heap issues and the lottery ticket was always being returned as NULL. Version 1.01 2020-09-19 Fixed bank auction that only auctioned to the player that was submitting it to auction whom was bankrupt. Added colors to property names. Version 1.0 2020-09-16 |